Examination & Test Schedule for various departments Nursery Department:
(Pre-KG, LKG, UKG)
The early years of foundation is enriched to the toddlers in a play based curriculum with activities both indoors and outdoors. Their learning is included in all appropriate events and activities to enhance social interaction and confidence in every individual .Their motor skills are developed through singing and playing to have a balanced growth. They are evaluated only by giving grades for 100 marks.
(Std. I to VIII)
As per the recommendations made by the NCERT (National Council for Education and Research Training), the Examination system prescribed by the Tamil Nadu Government for the academic year 2013-2014 as follows:
The academic year will have three terms. Each term consists
I – Formative Assessment (FA)40 marks. – FA(a) test 20 marks+FA(b) test 20 marks.
II-Summative Assessment (SA) 60 marks.
I. Formative Assessment (FA)-
FA(a) test 20 marks + FA(b) test 20 marks
FA(a) Test
Skill based activities conducted
Ex: debate, discussions and projects
4 best activities will be recorded for 20 marks.
FA (b) Test
Every subject should have slip tests for 5 marks
It is conducted throughout the term
There will be six slip tests conducted in each term- out of
the six tests, best four would be recorded
FA(b) marks for each term is 20.(4×5=20)
Slip tests can have open ended and application oriented questions.
II. Summative Assessment (SA); 60 marks
It is conducted at the end of each term
From the lessons of the term
High School (Std IX & X) and Higher Secondary (Std. XI & XII)
Students will be evaluated for 100 marks following the Samacheer Kalvi Pattern. It consists of three terms and unit test in each term. At the end of each term exams will be conducted ie., Quarterly, Half-Yearly, Revision and Public examination. They will be ranked according to their marks and not graded.
Model and Revision exams will be conducted in the third term to prepare them for their Board Examination.